Jean 90/90 2/7/8 C0
Gave her some spares, she deals decent skill and burst dmg and heals a lot. Plan on upgrading her NA and making her a Physical dps in the future.

Mona 90/90 1/6/8 C1
Fave standard character. Only ever use her for permafreeze so might not touch this build.. Will try to get more ER if I have time.

Qiqi 80/80 5/7/7 C2
Best healer. She already heals A LOT so I got no plans on touching this build again.

Keqing 90/90 8/8/8 C2
First ever 5 star. Used to have a good build but I gave it all to Fischl. No plans on ever building Keqing properly again sadly.